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​Safe and Secure Anywhere 

SHIELDrive is the world’s first cloud storage security broker (CSSB) which enables the safe and secure use of cloud storage. 

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About Security 365

Security 365 Components 

Why ‘Security 365’?


SOFTCAMP’s cloud integration brand ‘Security 365’ 

realizing genuine cloud security from a client’s perspective 

The introduction of cloud has been accelerated with the emergence of the Untact Era. Under such new circumstances, is your business safe and secure? 

Collaboration through data usage and documents in cloud environments, 
Various external threats such as APT and ransomware which keep on changing and evolving, and
Business security concern with the emergence of untact working environments 

Security365 resolves various forms of such security concern in cloud environments. 

We offer safe and secure working environments for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace storage (SharePoint, Google Drive) and email service users. 

Data Encryption 


Zero Trust 

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Safe Collaboration 


Security 365 Components

About Security 365 Services 

We add security to cloud infrastructure.
Safe data and storage use 

How can I identify cloud data while it is uncertain where they are actually stored? 
Under such uncertain environments, we enable data identification and management by providing a key vault service for user data. 
Furthermore, we ensure safe and secure collaboration with other employees by maintaining an encrypted state while providing services such as Microsoft 365’s Teams and OneDrive. 


In a security shared-responsibility model, basically, data security is a user’s responsibility.
We offer a shared responsibility model. According to this model, cloud service providers such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon are responsible for a security breach resulting from infringement only. 
SOFTCAMP even considers basic responsibility on data, which is ignored by them.

From concern about internal security such as data threat defense and account security to difficulty in using multi-cloud. 

SOFTCAMP always stands by users’ side. 

Document Encryption 


∙  Microsoft 365 file encryption
∙  Collaborative editing of encrypted
∙  Management of OneDrive files 
∙  Permission control
∙  Integration history management

Storage Encryption 


∙ Automatic encryption and obfuscation of
 storage files 
∙ Supports file sharing and collaboration
 through an exclusive exploring window 
∙ Perfectly compatible such as Teams


1% risk.
Golden time to be prepared against ‘Zero Trust’

Files downloaded through the Internet, a lot of data from mails and unknown links on the web…

We provide safe contents by detecting file threats and blocking malware (contents disarm and reconstruction (CDR)) isolating web (remote browser isolation (RBI) based on browser.  

Come and try SHIELDEX solution mentioned by Gartner as CDR through cloud services. 

Document disarm & reconstruction

  • Proactive detection of file threats

  • Preview of documents downloaded in isolated environments (preview)

  • Provides safe CDR documents (downloadable)

Mail (contents,attachment, link) disarm & reconstruction

  • Isolates/removes mail threats 

  • Mail contents & attachments and URL disarm & reconstruction (CDR)

  • Result report 

Remote browser isolation (RBI) service

  • Isolates/removes web browser threats 

  • Realizes safe ‘zero trust’ by isolating all contents from undetectable target attacks 

  • Secures advanced consistency in a visual streaming format


Routinization of telework! Quick and easy security added, 
‘New Normal’

In Gartner Webinar: ‘Leading Through COVID-19: Panel Discussion - Remote Work Now and Beyond’, an issue of reevaluating a way to get access to the future of telework in the post-COVID-19 era has emerged.

What if working environments in the distance are same with the security environments of my company or PC?

We strengthen security in cloud environments which are changing to a virtualization service needed to prevent information leak and a telework service. 

Telework Services 

  • Able to convert a working pattern immediately in the emergency situation

  • Safer telework because no separate program installation or VPN connection is needed

  • Usable for a permitted time by the approved user only, maximizing convenience in teleworker management 

Telework Security Terminal 

  • Thin client terminal and security operating system for telework (cloud OS)

  • Operates the security policy of the security OS system and supports OS, vaccine and software update 

  • Provides safe remote browser environments to support the Internet access 

  •  Telework management services such as telework status and video recording & management 

Working Environment Management 

  • Safe collaboration preventing an information breach 


Why Security 365 ?

It is ‘Security 365’ which can protect your information and privacy from your perspective. 

Security 365's Security 
  • Teams and G Suite finally become complete together with ‘Security 365’. You are now able to use and share cloud storage data provided by Microsoft, Google and others in a safe and secure fashion. 

  • Completely blocks external threats through Gartner CDR-based file, mail and web disarm and reconstruction
    - Ensures same security environments with office PC

  • Ensures same security environments with office PC anywhere, anytime; able to protect your business in a safe and convenient manner even during telework

Security 365's Economic Efficiency 
  • Satisfies your security needs even without internal construction or any separate complicated service plan

  • A subscription service type; able to use any amount of services freely anytime

  • Able to adopt the solution at reasonable prices while keeping it as secure as global business solutions; offers low-prices, high-specification utility values by reducing resources such as managers

Security 365's Immediateness
  • Able to lead business agility by enabling the experience and even immediate use of services

  • Makes services available anytime anywhere without being installed in client PC

  • Enables digital transformation in a quick and easy fashion with cloud in the New Normal Era

SOFTCAMP CO., LTD., 3-4F, KT Bundang bldg., Seongnam-daero, 779 beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do


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